Legal notice

Kirchensaller Strasse 36
74632 Neuenstein, Germany

Telephone: 0049 7942 106-0
Fax: 0049 7942 662
Email: info(at)


Commercial registration details:
District court: Stuttgart, Germany; registration number: HRA 580 577; registered head office: Neuenstein, Germany
General Partner: FKN Beteiligungs GmbH
District court: Stuttgart, Germany; registration number: HRB 726 828; registered head office: Neuenstein, Germany

Managing Directors: Axel Becker, Uwe Sailer
EU VAT number: DE146279862

Website owner (responsible for content): Axel Becker
Webmaster: Sebastian Kistinger
Email: it(at)


The FKN website, including its design and all text, images and other content, is copyrighted to FKN HOLDING GmbH & Co. KG or the legal copyright holder. Visitors to the website may only access the content for their own use, and in doing so do not acquire any rights in the content.

FKN offers no guarantee that the information provided on or about this website is complete, correct or up to date. FKN is not responsible for the contents of any other site that is reached or that can be reached via a link.

© FKN GROUP 2025